Beauty is looking at the imperfections the right way
ISBN: 9781685545680
"Beauty is looking at the imperfections the right way."
A simple statement ignited a thought, thought embarking to an idea and idea ending up with perceptions.
Here I am, a compilation of those perceptions. Enjoy your read!
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Everything Lies in Disguise: A collection of poetry
ISBN: 9781636691817
"Disguise is a mistful Chaos that never really enables you to see the truth."
All we ever want is people to be honest and truthful to us. All we ever ask them is to not to hide. All we want is to reveal ourselves without the fear of being judged. But are we truly willing to ? We are never what we say to the world we are. We never truly reveal ourselves. We live in disguise. We love in disguise. We want and will always perceive things in disguise. Everything lies in disguise.
This book is a collection of writings which expose the concept of "disguise". Writings which are disguised in nature.
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Soul Prince
ISBN: 9781649833884
They say, "True love has a habit of finding it's way back."
But is it really true?'
Fifteen year old Rose was unaware of the unexpected turn of events destiny had in store for her. She was sensitive and naïve. And when things didn't go as she had hoped they would, her heart was in a mess.
What did she really want? She couldn't tell.
But life has strange ways of making things right; or so we believe.
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Buried Roses
ISBN: 9781649514271
Communication is the key, they say.
Humans unlike many other animals are blessed to have been able to talk. To express our emotions to the outside world, so many emotions, so many words, our ability to express our feelings is always flattering. Though we have blessed with this, we have so many complicated emotions and so many unsaid feelings. We fail to express sometimes, most of the time. Through writing, we vent our hearts out. Through writing, we express our feelings.
The pages you are about to read from now on are a collection of those unsaid feelings expressed by many people through poetry, micro tales, open letters, and short stories.
We the Team Albatross thank each and every person who contributed to this Anthology through their writings and to each and every person who supported us and had faith in us through the entire process. Thank you for your patience.
We hope you enjoy the read.