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Somya Rauthan

10th August, 2020

Fake it means something that is not real, and the basic concept of being real is that you have to be honest everytime and everywhere and this is really hard to keep.

In my mind, a bit of fake on a good note is nice sometimes because it is the demand of the whole world, I don’t think that there is anything bad to lie about complementing others. People put efforts on themselves and if as an outsider your doesn’t like it much but still gives them compliment and they really feel overwhelmed by your response then I don’t find anything wrong in it. Contrarily being fake also means to show others who you are not, and this culture is spreading too much everywhere so rapidly that now it’s hard to trust on others, because it’s pretty obvious these days to show a life on your social handles than the one you really have. Who on earth don’t want a Happy luxurious lifestyle, almost every one of us, we all want family, friends and love. And for this many people fake themselves to get it and the best way they think to lure others to get it is by money. This is much affecting to the young generation who thinks that they’ll have more friends if they throw big fat parties, and pretend to be cool even if this pretending cool game requires bad habits and unapologetic behaviour.

We all want happiness and peace in our lives but there is thing about happiness and peace that is comes only when you accept your inner soul and the way you are, if you are not okay with alcohol consumption or smoking then just say no, first you need to try to stop yourself to be convinced and forced by others and accept that you don’t need to pretend to be cool if that makes you uncomfortable . Half of what others show on their social handles are absolutely fake, whether it’s happiness or sadness people are showing to the world in an exaggerated way. It’s okay to say no to a party which your friend is offering, at that very moment if you don’t really want to enjoy tell your friends there js nothing bad about being alone on your own for sometime understand the concept of pretending to be happy, don’t fake with your emotions atleast for your inner self’s sake.
Be honest with yourself first and then with others and lastly i want to say that it’s okay to give fake compliments but it’s never okay to fake your emotions , your feelings and your lifestyle.

People who are meant to be in your life will stay for how you are and what you are , and once in a whole you’ll realise that being fake is really temporary, eventually you’ll have be real true self of yourself for the one thing you really want with you forever in your life.

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